...Milk: A smaller segment of the acne population may react to milk and/or dairy products. Milk contains hormones which can promote the potential for acne infections. If milk is a factor in the promotion of acne, you have probably tried numerous prescriptive and non-prescriptive acne treatments without success....»
Read More: acne-types.blogspot.com
«...Remember that acne can also be caused by your living conditions. When was the last time that you managed to get some sleep? Think about how often you have felt drowsy, cranky or tired and remember that it can show up on your skin. Start by getting a lot of water into your system and making sure that you get a full night's sleep, whatever it is for you. Instead of resolving to sleep in, which is difficult, try going to bed early, say, as soon as you start to yawn....»
Full Text: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com
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